Archive | January, 2010

_La Musa: Swallow Gallery

28 Jan


In the shadow of the Palau de Musica the  in the barrio of Sant Pere, you can definitely see a different side of Barcelona, one not shown in postcards or guidebooks. In this neighborhood, the streets seem to become more narrow,  and the pace slows down just a bit. In the afternoon sun, the red underwear, blue shirts, and yellow socks become a mosaic of colors decorating one of my favorite barrios of Barcelona. While most people tend to overlook this barrio- a short walk down C/Sant Pere Mes Alt will take you down a street filled with unassuming cafes, bookshops, pastry schools  and the latest art gallery & new kid on the block: SWALLOW GALLERY.

 Tucked away on a quiet street dating back to the 14th century, the location is perfect for a the small gallery that is dedicated to promoting the works of new artists. Their debut show- “In Memoriam” was the ambitiously curated work of  Juan Diego Tobalina  and Katherinne Fiedler.  A collection of images from 15 different artists giving their unique take on death and nostalgia.

Their newest art opening “Drawing Intimacy” opening tonight will run until  Feb 28 and will focus on intimacy in all shapes and forms. From self portraits, to sketches on relationships this collection is the highly anticipated follow-up show and bound to bring together a new generation of art lovers who are in touch with art in a social media age.

In 2003  Juan and Katherinne, arrived in Barcelona to work on their art, (both are plastic artists) their dream to create an art space that was  not  just another perfectly sterile art apace has come true. The space itself is part studio, part incubator. Showing off  thework of emerging artists- working in all forms of mediums as well as a meeting point for new artists.

To Support this great new gallery pass on the word by stopping by their gallery tonight or heading to their web page.

SWALLOW GALLERY- C/Argenter 19, Barcelona


MISCELANEA turns 1,826 days old with a huge party @ Apollo

23 Jan

Tonight the art galleries and bars of Raval will be empty, as the entire artistic community will take it to the dance floor in order  to wish  Miscelanea a very happy 5th Birthday at SALA APOLLO

After years of presenting the most innovative work in the city, and serving as an incubator of cool; Miscelanea has become a point of reference for anyone searching for an avantgarde serving of art and music in Barcelona.

Miscelanea has been at the helm of the city’s creative output for the last 5 years in the lower Raval. Their concert series which tend to focus on underground musicians are always sold out with lines of people stretching out the door just to get on a standby list (trust me, I know, I have kicked myself twice due to poor planning) This party is sure to be no different.  Aside from a big space and an impressive DJ list, live performance and guestlist consisting of the biggest names in art,  tonight’s party will also be the launch party for their NEW website.

M5 will be MISCELANEA’s biggest party to date and with no neighbors to complain about the noise level the music will be turned up in celebration of 5 years of bringing the counter-culture to the masses.   Miscelanea will be raising their glass beer bottle and toast  the numerous artist, musicians, and collaborators that have made this multimedia space an oaisis of  cool since 2005.

Saturday 23 of Jan. | 19.30 hr |SALA APOLLO
C/ Nou De La Rambla 111
08004 Barcelona, Spain
93 441 40 01

 15.00 at the door | Limited Capacity

_Style: Barcelona Warms Up With MATALAFRIA

17 Jan


 A few weeks ago at FRIO09  I came across MATALAFRIA in Room 17 of Hotel Chic & Basic. The room was jammed packed with girls trying on clothes as the cameras interviewed the man in charge of fashion feeding frenzy going on in the  room.

Matalafria (Kill the cold)  is a  fashion house the specializes in knitwear for both men and women here in Barcelona and with temperatures dipping into the 30’s, Barcelona’s fashionistas have kept warm with the merino and alpaca wool pieces from Matalafria.


Antonio Calderon and his team of designers are revolutionizing the way knitwear is presented by experimenting with volumetric shapes in a contemporary context.  Each machine is hand calibrated and every step of the process is supervised by Antonio & Co. in an effort to produce limited edition pieces that are both durable and classic.

Apart from having a showroom close to the Mercat Sant Antoni, those outside la Ciudad Condal,  can obtain his one-of a-kind pieces by simply clicking on his e-shop. With an extremely modern take on scarfs and cable knit sweaters;  his accessories have become instantly recognizable  pieces of art hanging from the necks of the girls of Gracia to the skinny pant wearing hipsters of El Raval. Projecting a style that is totally versatile, it is entirely up to the wearer to control  how each piece will be interpreted.

With a colorful vintage campaign that reminds me vaguely of the series MADMEN, Matalafria is well on the way to becoming the talk of town with their original point of view and sense of humor. One part vintage with a touch of irony- Matalafria has caught the eyes of stylists by presenting a tight collection available in red and black for women with a range of darker tones for men. This company is definitely one to watch in 2010.

Click  here to unravel the delicate talent of MATALAFRIA

Barcelona Band -The Pinker Tones

15 Jan

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “untitled“, posted with vodpod


Happy Friday, this song is from local Barcelona band- The Pinker Tones.

Tengo ganas de verano!!

Barcelona No Pants Day 2010- Metro Ride Video

12 Jan
Vodpod videos no longer available.





more about “Barcelona No Pants Day 2010- Metro Ride“, posted with vodpod


This past Sunday  participated in the Barcelona No Pants Day-2010.  


Photos by FLICKR  

Organized by, 14 different routes were set up in an effort to coordinate an army of  200 underpant-wearing city dwellers going about their daily lives.  At 4:37 NPT (NoPantsTime) Barcelona along with 31 other cities dropped their pants,  stuffed them into their bags and kept walking. ( At 4:37 I was switching trains when it was time to show some legs- with my Andrew Christian Undies ) I hit the escalators and made my line transfer walking the long corridors and even dropping a Euro in the guitar player’s tip bucket. 

The group, which weaved through the metro system leaving little to the imagination, got the sort of reactions one would come to expect from a city that is used to “seeing it all”. From a security guard asking me if this was some sort of protest, (I answered it was quiet warm in the metro and I just needed some air) to people breaking out in applause to a woman grabbing her kids and jumping off the metro at what probably wasn’t her stop. The event was covered by all the local new channels as well as newspapers and even 1 pervert blogger who snapped a picture of my crotch. 

At 35 degrees, the walk from the Passeig de Gracia exit to the center of Plaza Catalunya was a bit nippy but it was well worth it just to see people’s reaction. Next year my personal mission is to get everyone I know to do this! Including my Catalan teacher, and my flatmates. 

In the process I met some great people  all with a great sense of humor and a wild streak. If you or some one you love  participated in the event hit me up on facebook and keep in touch! Remember friends don’t let friends ride the metro wearing pants… 

Video Provided by El Periodico