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Los Vivancos Take Center Stage At The Victoria Theatre

2 Dec

The new Vivanco show has opened up in Barcelona and is currently the talk of the town. A  group made up of seven brothers have taken the Barcelona stage for a limited run at the Victoria Theater.

For those of you who never heard of Los Vivanco they are a tribe of  39 kids. 7 of which are superstars. All of which share the same father. Part Flamenco show part concert- each brother plays an instrument and can dance a variety of styles from Flamenco to Classical and even some breakdancing.  The show does not stop as the brothers bring the passion to stage and battle it out for the audience’s attention.

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Teatre Victória de Barcelona until the 20th of december

ULLS FESTIVAL 09- Art For The People.

11 Oct


The ULLS Festival takes over the streets of Barcelona, October 14-18,  invading the city with four days of  Dance, Music, Film and Theatre.  This week the  ULLS Festival  sets up shop at the Palau de la Virreina and various points around the city. 

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 This festival is one of  Barcelona’s most radical and alternative of cultural festivasl  which the city hosts.  Now in it’s third year the  emphasis of this festival is placed in the performance of art.  All of the events are free of charge  in order to generate an open access to ART.

Imatge ULLS 2009 (2)A  festival to be enjoyed by all who call the “cuidad condal”  home, regardless of money, social class, or citizenship.

The only requirement is to be one of an open mind.

The four day event will host a total of 8 theater performances, 5 concerts, 5 workshops, 3 film screenings and 2 performances by alternative artists.

Among the other events are art workshops for the kids  as well as an art exhibit.

 14 countries are participating in this forum, which is meant to act as a cultural exchange between Latin America and Europe revolving around artists  sharing their concept of life and art between the two continents.

For a complete listing of events and location check out


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Tim Robbins presents:1984 in BARCELONA * Orwell’s future is here _

30 Sep


Walking through  the Ramblas this morning I came across a sign in huge white letters; simple font on a black background-  it read:


 -With security cameras, mobile messaging, facebook, twitter  -and google maps tracking our every move, we have managed to create a society that not only promotes interaction with one another but charts our every move. We are quick to sign up to every single website that is “all the rage”, clicking the user agreement box and ignoring the fine print, just to save time (at least I do).

With all this technology readily available at our fingertips- now more than ever is George Orewll’s timeless classic 1984 so appropriately  insynch with the times.

Across the world, our culture capitals have evolved into interatcive platforms.  Plazas that bombard us with ads; parks that have become wireless zones. Cites that now closely resemble video games, instead of the agoras of public interaction and debates that were so common years ago.  The private has become public and no matter how hard we try we can’t escape the watchful eyes of each other. The citizen is now fast resembling an Orwellian  citizen. A  one man machine- chronicling the ebbs and flows of  the streets and pulse of the concrete jungle.

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Yet, where does all this information go?

Where is all this data going? Who is watching the watchers?

Actor Tim Robbins and his theatre group “The Actor’s Gang” have taken over the -TEATRO POLIORAMA- , on the Ramblas, to stage the a limited run of the adaptation of  George Orwell’s classic futuristic novel, 1984.

Robbins has not only chosen BARCELONA as the background for where the story unfolds, but has also done some interesting market research on the streets of “La Cuidad Condal”.

Orwell’s ties to Barcelona run deep- his love for the city and respect for it’s anti-facist ways had  always facinated the writer, leading him to call Barcelona his home during the spanish civil war. His passion for the voice of the people, prompted him to write: Homage To Catalonia a chronicle recording the will of the city against a regime that grew strong before their very eyes.

In a twist of irony the George Orwell Plaza located in the Gothic Quarter remains under tight suppervision by Big brother himself- security cameras. A fact that Orwell himself would find mind blowing. 


With 73% of Catalans not finding anything wrong -with the digital repression , that has slowly infiltrated our streets, we take one-step closer to a future that not even Orwell could have imagined.


The play which begins tonight, aims to stimulate an important conversation and encourage the people of Barcelona to think about whether they really are perfectly happy being watched over by their elected officials.

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To find out more about 1984 log onto
The Future is now.